How to become an Allocator?

In November 2023 the Fil+ Governance team announced move from Notary triggered DataCap allocation to an Allocator system. The program is evolving and we thought it would be useful to document the process of being an Allocator and what is the right way for you to receive DataCap. There are 2 ways of becoming an allocator: Respond to the Request for Allocator Propose your own Allocator. If you are proposing your own Allocator you will need to prove the novelty of your solution - whether it is the way you will select your clients, the economics of your allocator, the way you will manage it etc. As the number of Allocators grow we will move to a meta allocator structure, where Allocators operating in similarly will be aggregated under a meta-allocator, and meta allocators will report to Root Key Holders. Useful Links: Registry of all active allocators The proposal (Github link) FAQ for Allocators (created by FIDL team, takes you to an external website) Mo...