Request For Allocators
As we described in a previous post, there are two ways of becoming an Allocator - either you respond to this RFA or propose your own, novel Allocator.
At present, we have a vast selection of Allocators falling under the Manual (requiring human intervention) Meta-allocator structures. The governance team of Fil+ program would like to encourage the community to run allocators in other meta-pathways. This RFA enlists types of Allocators that, we believe, will contribute to growing a healthy system and faster allocation of DataCap to honest SPs.
Types of Allocators
The types of Allocators we are seeking:
In Automated Meta-Pathway:
- Github
- WeChat and other social media
- Staked FIL up-front
In Market Based Meta-Pathway:
- Fee based
- Auction based
- Proof of Payment
In Experimental Meta-Pathway
- Anonymous-review-guild
- Research Archival
Github Allocator
Similar to how Glif Verifier worked. This allocator would run a service verifying a Github account and upon verification of a Github account (must be older than 180 days) allocate a small amount of DataCap (64GB). Once the client exhausts the DataCap, they can come back and follow the same steps. This process can only be repeated at most once per 30 days.
WeChat and other Social Media
Same as the Github allocator, but based on a client's WeChat, Instagram, LinkedIn etc, accounts.
Staked FIL up-front
Another allocator that automatically assigns DataCap. The requirement here would be that the client needs to stake a certain amount of FIL up front to receive the DataCap. The allocation size is dependent on how much they choose to stake. Data onboarded by such allocator would have to be sharded and/or the Storage Provider would have to be chosen in a provably random way.
Fee Based
Allocator that basically sells DataCap for a certain fee. Data onboarded by such allocator would have to be sharded and/or the Storage Provider would have to be chosen in a provably random way.
Auction Based
The allocator would put up certain amount of DataCap for an auction and the highest bidder would get the allocation. Similarly to the fee based approach, data onboarded by such allocator would have to be sharded and/or the Storage Provider would have to be chosen in a provably random way.
Proof of Payment
Allocator which awards DataCap to Storage Providers who can prove that they have real deals with paying customers.Anonymous-review-guild
This allocator would work with the community to review the applications from clients. The reviewers would be chosen at random and stay anonymous throughout the process. If the client abuses the DataCap they received, the reviewer would get a warning and eventually lose review rights.
Research Archival
This allocator is specifically designed to manage clients from a research community, where data is archived and does not require retrieval.
To respond to the RFA you will need to fill out the following form, which will populate your application to Github and will alert the governance team to review it. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified about the team's decision within 10 days from submission.
Hi, I can't see a link to the form -- could you repost it?